Woodridge Community Church and Waukesha City Church
2024 Conference Theme:
Conference Schedule
May 3rd (Waukesha City Church)
- 5:00pm Registration Opens
6:00 pm-8:00 pm Session #1
- Welcome and Announcements
- Worship in Song
- Plenary Session 1 - Marriage by Pastor Chuck Marshall
- Worship in Song
- Dessert social (pie, ice cream, etc.)
May 4th (Woodridge Community Church)
- 8:00 am Registration Opens & light breakfast
9:00 am-10:00am - Session #2
- Welcome and Updates
- Worship in Song
- Plenary Session 2 - Parents and Children - Pastors Luke Dufek and Chuck Marshall
10:00 - 10:15 - Break
10:15 - 11:00 Breakout Sessions
- Option#1 - Singleness and Celibacy - Pastor Matt Erdman
- Location: Room 101
- Option #2 - Grandparents' Role in the Family and Church - Pastor Rich Parfrey
- Location: Room 102
- Option #3 - How to do Family Worship & it's Importance - Pastor Drew Hacker
- Location: Room 207 (2nd floor)
- Option#4 - Evangelism and the Family - Pastor Luke Dufek
- Location: Room 202 (2nd floor)
- Option #5 - The Why and How of Discipline in the Home - Pastor Chuck Marshall
- Location: Sanctuary
11:00 - 11:15 - Break
11:15-12:15 pm Session #3
- Announcements
- Worship in Song
- Plenary Session 3 - Healthy Churches - Pastor Luke Dufek
- Doxology to close & Prayer for fellowship meal
12:15 - 1:15 pm Lunch, Fellowship & Details
12:15 - 1:15 pm Lunch & Fellowship
Details & Housekeeping items
Soli Deo Gloria!
- The conference planning team
- Lunch at Woodridge on 1st floor (included in registration fee).
- Outdoor seating pending weather availability.
Details & Housekeeping items
- Conference is family friendly (much like church should be), so kid noise is acceptable.
- Be sure to account for all children who will be taking a seat during your family's registration so we can ensure we have enough seats for everyone.
- There are rooms at both churches for nursing mothers where they can still hear the conference - please inquire if this is needed the day of the conference.
- It can be helpful to bring items for children to color or work on during the conference to help they stay engaged.
- More information will be added here in the weeks to come, so please be sure to check back in periodically.
Soli Deo Gloria!
- The conference planning team