Meet our Pastors
Jesus Christ is the head of his Church and his Church belongs to him for he is the good shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep. The word pastor means shepherd and our church’s pastors are biblically qualified men who lead under the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastors (also referred to in scripture as elders and overseers) shepherd our church through sound Bible teaching, gospel preaching, prayer, oversight, leadership, pastoral care, and by being Christ-like examples. The responsibility of our pastors can be summarized as feeding, guiding, and guarding the precious flock of God. Some of our pastors are part of our paid staff, others are not, but all of our pastors have the same authority and they shepherd our church together as a plurality.

Luke Dufek
Elder | Pastor of Preaching and Vision
Luke is married to his best friend Amy and they are committed to raising up their sons Isaiah, Levi, Simeon, and Titus in the in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Pastor Luke joined the staff at Woodridge in 2006 as our Youth Pastor. In the years since his ministry responsibilities moved him into an Associate Pastor role and since October 2013 he has been our Pastor of Preaching and Vision. Pastor Luke was ordained a minister of the gospel on January 15th, 2011 and earned his Masters Degree in Theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity Seminary in Deerfield, IL in May 2013.

Drew Hacker
Elder | Pastor of Liturgy and Communications
Drew was saved by grace at an early age while reading the Bible story about the lost lamb and how Jesus would leave the 99 sheep to pursue this special sheep. Since that moment, Drew has pursued Jesus with fervor and dedication and has been involved in many ways while attending Woodridge since 2007. He has been a Pastor Elder at Woodridge since April 2015 and full time since 2024. Drew is passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ and leading worship in song, knowing that the Holy Spirit is the true worship leader. He and his wife Ashley have four young children and enjoy gardening, family games and being outdoors.

Richard Parfrey
Elder | Pastor of Discipleship and Implementation
Rich grew up in central Wisconsin and married Julie, his college sweetheart, shortly after graduation from the University of Wisconsin. After moving several times across the country, he and Julie settled in to Brookfield in 2001, where they’ve been raising their three children, Brooke (married to David), Joelle (engaged to John), and Grant. The Lord Jesus Christ called Rich to Himself in 2002 and he has been faithfully walking in righteousness, being sanctified by His blood ever since. Rich became a member of Woodridge in 2010, has served as an elder since 2015, and accepted the call to full time ministry since November, 2020. He enjoys his family, spending time with friends, and counselling with God's Word.

John Pfannerstill
Elder | Pastor
John has been a follower of Jesus Christ since coming to faith during his freshman year of college in 1972. He has been married to Lori since 1980, and they have one grown daughter who, together with her husband, has given them six delightful grandchildren. John and Lori began attending Woodridge in 1993 and immediately sensed God's calling to be a part of that body. Since that time, John has served in a variety of capacities at Woodridge—including his current term as a member of the Elder Council. He asks for prayer as he seeks to deepen his love for God and for the people who make up this very special church by pointing them to Jesus and proclaiming His glorious Gospel.

Matt Jantz
Elder | Pastor
Matt grew up as a missionary kid in Paraguay, South America. At the age of 9, God convicted Matt of his sin and he trusted in Christ for the forgiveness of his sins. After high school, Matt pursued an associates degree in biblical studies from Ethnos 360 Bible Institute in Waukesha, WI. He then went on to complete his bachelors degree in ministry leadership from Moody Bible Institute, followed by a masters degree in biblical counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary. Matt has served on staff at Woodridge in various capacities over the past 10 years. He and his wife, Bethany, enjoy serving Christ and His church together and their desire is to glorify God in all things with their lives.

Derek Best
Elder | Pastor
Derek is married to his beautiful wife, Sarah, and together they are raising 3 children, Keefe, Keegan, and Laila. He has been attending Woodridge since 1993. The Lord began to work on his heart when he was his late twenties and by His irresistible grace, God would use those years to call Derek into His family by showing him his rebellion and the beauty of Jesus Christ. Since then, Derek has been given a deep love for the gospel and a desire for people to treasure the supremacy of Christ and grow in His likeness. Over the years, he has served in multiple capacities at Woodridge and has enjoyed laboring alongside many for the joy of His people and the glory of the Lord.

Matt Erdman
Elder | Pastor
Matt was born in Milwaukee, though most of his youth was spent in the Fox Valley suburbs of Appleton, WI. He returned to Milwaukee to complete his college studies, and shortly thereafter God’s sovereign grace broke through the stony ground of his religious upbringing, and he became a redeemed child of God. At that time, Matt was instilled with a heart for ministry, and has since completed his Master of Divinity (MDiv) through seminary studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Together with his wife Natalie, Matt looks forward to serving Woodridge Community Church and seeing a love for the lordship of Jesus flourish in its midst—and in every place where the gospel of Christ is faithfully proclaimed.
Together with his wife Natalie, Matt looks forward to serving Woodridge Community Church and seeing a love for the lordship of Jesus flourish in its midst—and in every place where the gospel of Christ is faithfully proclaimed.
Meet our Diaconate & Staff
The word diaconate means body of deacons, and the word deacon means servant. In our church the diaconate consists of both men (deacons) and women (deaconesses). Deacons and Deaconesses are biblically qualified men and women who support, facilitate and organize ministry so that the physical and practical needs of our church family are met. Deacons and deaconesses serve in areas like mercy, hospitality, communication, building maintenance, assisting with music, Sunday School, community groups, planning fellowship gatherings and with various other logistical tasks. Through their service the members of our diaconate maintain church unity and support our pastors so that they can remain focused on the ministry of the word.

Jen Bassler
Deaconess | Music
Jen counts it a privilege to serve as the music director at Woodridge; she plans worship songs and leads worship teams to provide God's people with opportunities to worship Him in spirit and truth.

Samantha Haynes
Office Administrator
Samantha serves at Woodridge in the office and is involved in many areas of the church such as, communication, coordination of events, etc.

Julie Parfrey
Deaconess |
Biblical Counseling
& Congregational Care
Biblical Counseling
& Congregational Care
Julie is privileged to serve Christ by offering care and counseling to women and couples as well as providing opportunities for others in our congregation to do the same.

Vicki Hagen
Deaconess | Children’s Sunday School
Vicki oversees our children’s Sunday School program, scheduling teachers and creating curriculum for our children.

Brian Cornell
Deacon | Community Groups
Brian oversees the administration of our Community Groups, connecting people for deep discipleship to the glory of God.

Adam Beth
Deacon | Adult Sunday School
Adam joyfully serves in adult Sunday School, coordinating gospel-centered teaching that helps people know what they believe and why they believe it.

Mark & Jean Martinez
Deacon & Deaconess | Mercy
Mark serves with his wife Jean to alleviate burdens and meet needs within the congregation.

Herman & June Restrepo
Deacon & Deaconess | Hospitality
Herman and June oversee the folks who make you feel welcome and well-served each Sunday at Woodridge — from the welcome desk to the coffee staff to the Lord's Supper preparation and more.

Alyson Freding
Deaconess | Communication
Alyson oversees all social media content at Woodridge and serves our church by providing quality communication through our media platforms.

Herbie Delgado
Deacon | Facilities
Herbie oversees the maintenance of church facilities and coordinates the servants who assist with the upkeep of the grounds and the building.