Teaching Media

"But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine." Titus 2:1
In Titus 2:1, Paul is telling Titus to teach what accords with God's Word regardless of what is happening around him in the culture. At Woodridge, we uphold the Bible as the authoritative source for our biblical teaching and sound doctrine instruction and use it in our media ministry to change the culture. Browse our teaching media library below and visit again for new content every month. You can also keep current with our media ministry by following Woodridge Community Church Media on Apple, Google and Spotify Podcasts!

Biblical Ecclesiology

Church... It's not a business, it's not a social club, and it's not a sacred streaming service. So what is it?

That's what you'll learn in this 7-week course on Ecclesiology—the study of the church. By looking intently at the who, how, and why of church, you'll gain a greater understanding of the bride for whom Christ died and the glory He ordains to display through her faithful functioning in this world.

The Biblical Family

Come and join Brian Cornell and Rich Parfrey in working through how the family in recent decades has been led from imaging Christ biblically and how to reclaim it for God’s Glory. We are praying that this class will challenge those of all ages to think critically about how they are to use their God-given time, talents, and treasure to grow in relationship with Christ and others through multi-generational family discipleship.

A Theology of Emotions

Emotions are an often-neglected topic for the Christian, and yet our emotions are a valuable gateway into the realities of our hearts. If we are willing to stop and pay attention, our emotions are actually a helpful guide in understanding the things we treasure most. Join Matt Jantz and Micah Hunt as they unpack a biblical understanding of emotions and how to engage with our emotions in biblical and fruitful ways.

The Holy Spirit and the History of Salvation

Soul Winning with Spurgeon

Those familiar with the hymns of old may recall “Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling.” The first verse goes:
Hark, the voice of Jesus calling,
“Who will go and work today?
Fields are white, and harvests waiting,
Who will bear the sheaves away?”
Loud and long the Master calls us,
Rich reward He offers free;
Who will answer gladly saying,
“Here am I, send me, send me”?
In this class, the church will learn to embrace the spirit of this old song as guided by the teaching of an old, admired preacher, Charles Spurgeon. We’ll examine Spurgeon’s life, convictions, and the powerful perspectives he shared on evangelism — the winning of souls; “the chief business of the Christian.”

Restoring Truth Conference 2024: Healthy Families, Strong Churches

Woodridge and Waukesha City Church hosted their first combined conference called "Restoring Truth" on May 3rd and 4th, 2024. The phrase, "Restoring Truth" is significant because the world has taken things that have been given to the church by God, good things, and turned them into sinful things and idolatry; things that need to be reclaimed by unashamed, bold, and wise Christians. When we get God's vision for what a family should look like, this will flow into the vision of how the church family looks and operates. Join pastors from both churches as we teach and proclaim what God's Word says about the family, and how a proper understanding of the family (married and singles) will lead to strong churches. 

Musing on God's Music

The Psalms are often seen as the forgotten songs of God’s people. If these songs are God’s Words and good enough for His people in the old covenant, why do they tend to be ignored by the majority of evangelicalism today? What are churches that don’t sing the Psalms missing out on? Why are they organized the way they are? What themes are being communicated that should point us to Christ? In this class, we will look at the formative nature of the Psalms and how beneficial it is to ‘muse on God’s music’ with content from the book by Scott Aniol through G3 Press. There will be teaching, and maybe even some Psalm singing as part of this class.

Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview

Christianity is grounded in certain assumptions about reality. Philosophy is a defining and defending of those assumptions. Christian philosophy uses general revelation (nature, reason, etc.) in order to know God better, apart from his revealed Word. In this class, we will look at what men throughout the ages have been able to establish and defend using Christian philosophy and deepen our faith by seeing that all of reality points to our majestic Savior. Additionally, we will critically look at other philosophical assumptions, and see how they stand against the testimony of Scripture or clear reason. We invite any Christian who is interested in philosophy generally, the defense of Christianity, or understanding where their own beliefs come from to join us. 

1689 Baptist Confession of Faith

In this 16-week class the pastors of our church teach through the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith (also referred to as the Second London Baptist Confession). This historic and important confession summarizes what Reformed Baptist's believe, reminds us that our church’s theology is firmly rooted in Historic Protestant Christianity and continues to serve as a discipleship tool in the life of our church today. Listen to what Charles Spurgeon wrote to his congregation concerning the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith after he had it republished: “This little volume is not issued as an authoritative rule, or code of faith, whereby you are to be lettered, but as an assistance to you in controversy, a confirmation in faith, and a means of edification in righteousness.” 

Education and the Christian

Solomon instructs parents to train up a child in the way he should go (Proverbs 22:6) and the Apostle Paul commands fathers to bring their children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). A child’s education is a significant part of how parents will seek to accomplish these important God-given tasks. This class will provide a Biblical overview of the role and purpose of education, the history of education in America, and four education options. The aim of this class is to help Christians think more deeply about education and to increase productive discussions within our church about these things. 

Resolving Conflict Biblically

Want to understand more about resolving personal conflict and helping others to do the same. Join us as we go over what conflict is and how to resolve it from a biblical perspective. We discuss how to handle anger biblically, dealing with guilt and repentance, forgiveness, how to communicate in conflict, the process of progressive sanctification and how we can help others navigate conflict.  

Love Your Church

Discover how to love your church better in this 8-session course. Relationships can lose their spark over time, but this course will help you keep your joy and love for the local church alive. This class is a soothing remedy for your soul to avoid becoming indifferent or detached from the church.

Why Worship in Song Matters

Join Pastor Drew as he seeks to clarify why it is essential as worshippers to prepare ourselves when we come to worship God in song on Sunday mornings. From worship team members, tech team members, and the congregation, we know that worship is responding rightly to God in Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, but why is that so hard?  Why do we struggle to worship God from time to time? Why can't someone tell us the secret to always being able to worship God that would make it easy or at least easier?  This session offers a couple biblical principles based on Bob Kauflin's book, "Worship Matters" to help us look at how we should be coming before the Lord personally, and Pastor Drew would argue corporately.

Check back soon for additional teaching media content.