1689 Chapters 9 Free Will, 10 Effectual Calling

Aug 6, 2023    Matt Jantz

Here is a summary of chapters 9 and 10 of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith that we will be talking about during this episode.

Chapter 9: Of Free Will. This chapter explains the biblical doctrine of human free will, which is the ability to choose good or evil according to one’s nature and state. It affirms that God created humans with a free and upright will, but that they lost it by the fall and became enslaved to sin. It also affirms that God, by His grace, regenerates and frees the will of His elect, enabling them to will and do what is spiritually good. However, it also acknowledges that even the regenerate still struggle with the remnants of corruption and need God’s help to persevere in holiness.

Chapter 10: Of Effectual Calling. This chapter describes the work of God in calling His elect to salvation by His Word and Spirit. It asserts that God’s calling is effectual, meaning that it infallibly accomplishes His purpose of saving those whom He has chosen. It also distinguishes between the outward call of the gospel, which is offered to all who hear it, and the inward call of the Spirit, which is given only to the elect and makes them willing and able to believe. It further declares that God’s calling is according to His free and special grace, not based on anything in the called, and that it is irreversible, ensuring their eternal salvation.

1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in Modern English - Founders Ministries