1689 Chapters 25 Marriage, 26 The Church and 27 Of the Communion of the Saints
Join us as we continue in our series on the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.
Chapter 25: Of Marriage. This chapter affirms the divine institution and honor of marriage, the lawful grounds for divorce and remarriage, and the duties of husbands and wives to each other.
Chapter 26: Of the Church. This chapter defines the church as the body of Christ, composed of all the elect, and distinguishes between the universal and the local church. It also describes the marks, officers, ordinances, discipline, and privileges of the church.
Chapter 27: Of the Communion of Saints. This chapter explains the communion that all the saints have with God and with one another, both in grace and in glory. It also warns against the abuse of this doctrine by those who claim a special fellowship with God apart from the ordinary means of grace.
1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in Modern English - Founders Ministries