1689 Chapters 4 Creation, 5 Divine Providence
Join us as we continue in our series on the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.
Chapter 4: Creation. This chapter affirms that God created the world and everything in it out of nothing, by his powerful word, in six days, and for his own glory. It also states that God made human beings in his own image, with rational souls, knowledge, righteousness, and holiness. It acknowledges that God continues to uphold, direct, and govern all creatures and things by his wise and holy providence.
Chapter 5: Divine Providence. This chapter declares that God, in his eternal wisdom and power, preserves and governs all his creatures and all their actions, according to his most holy, wise, and powerful will. It also explains how God ordains, permits, and overrules the sinful actions of angels and humans, without being the author or approver of sin, or violating the free will or responsibility of his creatures. It further asserts that God’s providence works for the good of his elect, and for his own glory.
1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in Modern English - Founders Ministries