#10 - Stewardship and Generosity Part 1

Dec 11, 2024    Rich Parfrey, John Pfannerstill, Drew Hacker

What is your first memory of money? Was it good or bad? Is it biblical to tithe as New Covenant Christians? Why is it important to steward what God has given us, and should we really leave an inheritance to our children's children? Join Pastors John, Drew, and Rich as they discuss stewardship and generosity this holiday season. They will delve into examples of how and whom we should be generous with. Even if life hasn't gone as you thought it would financially, it’s no excuse to not be generous with what God has given us stewardship over. This discussion will likely span two episodes, as there is so much to cover. We'd love to hear from you! If you have questions about this episode or suggestions for future topics, email us at treasurecast@woodridge.cc.

"The TreasureCast" is a production of Woodridge Community Church

Producer: Pastor Drew Hacker

Hosts: Pastor John Pfannerstill and Pastor Drew Hacker

Guest: Pastor Richard Parfrey

Theme Song: “Mercy” by Phil Keaggy. Used with permission from artist

Graphics Design: Alyson Freding

Video and Audio: Therese Jacobs

Here are the resources referenced during the show. Please note that mentioning a resource or ministry does not imply it perfectly aligns with our doctrine as a church. However, the resource is valued for the specific insights it provides on the topic discussed.

-         Here’s the Link to Reforming Marriage by Douglas Wilson that we referenced

-         King’s Hall podcast episode “Recovering the Productive Household

-         Here are some Dave Ramsey Resources that can be helpful for budgeting and thinking about money/wealth. 

-         Check out OUR WEBSITE for more information on our ministry

Go and treasure Christ above all today.