Soul Winning with Spurgeon - Week 1
May 5, 2024 • Matt Erdman
Those familiar with the hymns of old may recall “Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling.” The first verse goes:
Hark, the voice of Jesus calling,
“Who will go and work today?
Fields are white, and harvests waiting,
Who will bear the sheaves away?”
Loud and long the Master calls us,
Rich reward He offers free;
Who will answer gladly saying,
“Here am I, send me, send me”?
In this class, the church will learn to embrace the spirit of this old song as guided by the teaching of an old, admired preacher, Charles Spurgeon. We’ll examine Spurgeon’s life, convictions, and the powerful perspectives he shared on evangelism — the winning of souls; “the chief business of the Christian.”